Kitchen Renovation Cost Atlanta: How to Plan Your Dream Kitchen

Investing in a kitchen renovation can be a daunting task. The decision to get your dream kitchen is exciting and rewarding, but it’s also an incredibly large financial undertaking. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to stay within your budget without sacrificing quality or style. In this post, we’ll go over everything you need to know about planning and budgeting for a kitchen renovation cost in Atlanta.

Plan Your Kitchen Renovation

plan your kitchen renovation

Before you start your kitchen renovation cost Atlanta, it’s a good idea to get organized. To accomplish this, you can draw up a floor plan of the space and ensuring enough room for the new layout. In addition, if you plan to demolish before construction begins, now is the time to do it. For example, if an old wall between two rooms needs to come down, get rid of it now, so there won’t be any issues later on when installing cabinets or tiling floors.

Create a Budget For Kitchen Renovation Cost Atlanta

create a budget

Having a solid financial plan is crucial to kitchen renovation cost Atlanta. It’ll keep you on track and guarantee success everything gets done in time for the big reveal. To create a realistic budget, list everything that needs to be done in your kitchen. Next, add up all of these costs and Using the number of months or weeks, divide them until completion.

This will give you an average monthly kitchen renovation cost Atlanta estimate per phase and act as a check against overspending. You can also set aside extra money if anything goes wrong or additional work needs to be done. This will keep things running smoothly throughout every stage of your remodel! Finally, bear in mind that even if everything goes wrong during construction or some unexpected expense involves replacing an appliance, you can adjust your budget accordingly!

Gather Inspiration

gather inspiration

You now have some idea of what to expect now you want, it’s time to research.

  • Look at pictures of kitchens you like. Why not start with Pinterest? There are plenty of home design boards, and even specific pages are dedicated to kitchen ideas. You can also search for “kitchens” in Google Images or Bing Images to see what others have done with their spaces.
  • Check out magazines that feature kitchens or design blogs focused on kitchens and interior decorating for ideas about colors, materials, sinks, and faucets. There’s no shortage of inspiration online!
  • Seek the advice of close loved ones about what style suits your home best and what colors look best together. What kind of flooring would fit in most efficiently with your existing decor? If someone has an idea about something specific (like a particular piece of furniture), ask them where they found it; chances are reasonable so it may be readily located via digital means!

When you know what you want in broad terms, start looking for suppliers. You can find local ones by searching Google or Yelp and reading reviews; if there aren’t any nearby, try searching online at sites like Wayfair or Overstock.

Make a List of Must-Have and Nice-to-Have Features

make a list of must-have and nice-to-have features

Now that you’ve decided on the style and size of your kitchen, it’s time to start making a must-have list. A must-have feature is something necessary for your kitchen. An example of this could be an oven or dishwasher, but other more complicated features exist. For example, if you want a front glass a fridge that dispenses ice and water, that is a nice-to-have feature. Ensure every household member has input into this step, so no one feels left out or overlooked!

Once you have a must-have list, It’s time to begin planning how you’ll most effectively get the features you’ve prioritized. As a first step, pick the type of kitchen design you prefer. Do you want a traditional or contemporary kitchen? Which do you prefer, a peninsula or an island?? These are all things that will help define the look and feel of your new kitchen space.

Hire a Contractor

hire a contractor
  • If you’re lacking the self-assurance to handle a project on your own,, hire a contractor. Your kitchen renovation cost Atlanta will be cheaper, easier, and faster if you hire someone who knows what they are doing. You can find contractors specializing in kitchens by looking for kitchen remodeling companies on Google or your yellow pages phonebook.
  • If you have some skill with DIY projects and are comfortable with power tools, consider doing some or all of the work yourself. While it’s true that hiring a professional tradesperson may cut down on expenses by decreasing the need for human labor, there are many other reasons why hiring an expert is worth the investment.
  • You’ll save money because your subcontractors won’t need as much training as professionals would require; plus, they’ll have everything they need right out of the box or truck.
  • You’ll get better results because there’s no guesswork involved when using pre-fabricated materials explicitly designed for this type of project (e.g., pre-assembled cabinetry). This means fewer mistakes during installation too!
  • It’s easy to access high-quality materials without spending hours researching them online or driving around town looking for stores that sell them locally. Just call up one place instead!

Pick Your Materials

pick your materials

You’ve decided on a price range and a general layout for your new kitchen, and it’s time to take stock of what materials are available. It’s a lot to process, but there are There is plenty to think about before making a course of action. The following are some considerations:

  • Durability. You definitely don’t want your dream kitchen to fall apart after only a few years! Ensure your chosen material is durable enough to be able to survive common usage and abuse for a long period without losing its luster or integrity.
  • Ease of cleaning/maintenance. You don’t want something that requires hours upon hours of scrubbing away at stains every week just because it looks pretty for ten seconds before getting covered in dirt again.
  • Affordability. It’s essential not only that the materials fit into your budget but also how easy they will be for other contractors like plumbers, working on your home later down the line if need be; this means looking out for hidden costs such as installation fees when comparing two different types of countertops with similar price points! And remember maintenance costs; some materials require more upkeep than others, which could mean higher bills than expected later.
  • Aesthetics. This is a big one! You need a piece that will complement your kitchen for years, right? So make sure you consider what style you’re going for and how each material fits into that (ex: stainless steel might not work well with an earthy cottage vibe).
  • Cost. The price of your countertop will be Among the most important considerations when deciding on material to go with, so make sure you consider this before buying!


One of the most important areas in your home is the kitchen. It is where you spend a lot of time and cook great meals for your family and friends. So, it’s necessary to ensure that it’s functional and comfortable enough for everyone who uses it. If you want to remodel your kitchen, there are a few things you should know before you start this project. You can do it!

A kitchen renovation cost Atlanta is a big project, but planning and budgeting are not complicated. Some preparation and investigation will get precisely what you want and stay on budget. Need some assistance turning your fantasy kitchen into a reality? Ready to get started? Contact us today to speak with a kitchen design expert and begin planning your dream kitchen renovation cost Atlanta.

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ariel smith

Ariel Smith

Designer and Office Manager

Ariel Smith stands at the creative side of Kitchen Design Studio, a well-known home improvement company in Atlanta. As both a skilled designer and an office manager, she plays an important role in turning clients’ dream homes into reality. With a sharp eye for design and a strong focus on making spaces that are not only good to look at but also warm and useful.

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